The term husband is derived from the old English word hūsbōndi: hūs = “house” and bōndi = “dweller”, which etymologically means “householder”.
So literally, the husband is the “house-band”. Just as the “money-band” holds money together to make it firm and secure, and when it is loosed or torn the money gets scattered, the husband also holds or bands a house together and if he is “loosed or torn”, the house becomes unstable and insecure.  

Have you ever wondered why people enter a certain house and they ask, “Isn’t there a man in this house?”

Seven Fruits of the Faithful Man

The envy of many women is the faithful man (husband). The Bible asks: “Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, but who can find a faithful man? . . . His children are blessed after him” (Proverbs 20:6-7).
Unlike the Virtuous Woman who is very well described in the Bible, the Faithful Man is not. 

So, walk with me diligently into the vineyard of the faithful man to pluck some of his fruits.

1. Leadership

The man is endowed with greater natural strength and ability to lead. Leadership is influence, and so the faithful husband leads in setting a mission and vision for the family whiles providing direction and organizational inspiration and influence for the activities of the home. 

Through leadership, the man serves as a role model and mentor through exemplary character and service; and provides assured security to the wife and children.

2. Love

A faithful husband shows his love to his wife and family in words, actions, thoughts, and feelings.
He speaks with gentleness, encouragement, acceptance, and grace to his wife. He is kind and serves his wife unconditionally without demanding anything in return. His thoughts are of peace, goodness, blessings and hope; and he has warmth and affectionate feelings towards his family.

A husband must understand that love for his wife is love for himself (Eph.5:28). And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Gen.2:23).

3. Honour

To honour is to show high regard or great respect. A faithful husband honours his wife. “Husbands, likewise, dwell well with them with understanding, giving honour to the wife, as to the weaker vessel . . .” (1 Pet.3:7). 

The faithful man values his wife as his most precious treasure and treats her with tenderness. He reminds her always of how important she is to him, reassures her of his love, and how he values and cherishes her.

4. Loyalty

To be loyal is to be committed fully to your spouse above everyone and everything.
The Bible says, “. . . Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth. As a loving deer and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; and always be enraptured with her love . . .” (Proverbs 5:15-20). “Live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of your vain life which He has given you under the sun, all your days of vanity; for that is your portion in life, and in the labour which you perform under the sun” (Ecl.9:9). 

Loyalty is vital to a healthy, happy, safe and lasting marriage. When a man is loyal, his wife feels happy, safe and secure in the marriage, even in his absence.

5. Praise and Appreciation

A faithful husband praises his wife for who she is in his life and calls her “Blessed”. He appreciates her and all the things she does and provides, and he says, “Thank You!”. He doesn’t take her for granted but acknowledges and compliments her for her role in his success. 

A man might be tempted not to bless and thank his wife for performing her duties, but doing that goes a long way to tell her how much her efforts are appreciated and acknowledged.

6. Integrity 

“The righteous man walks in his integrity . . .” (Prov.20:7a). He lives a life that is not divided against itself. He gives his word and keeps it. He does not say one thing and does another. He lives a life that corresponds to what he says. 

The faithful man firmly adheres to strong moral principles, and consciously and consistently applies them to model his values and character daily. He doesn’t keep secrets from his wife and family; he is open and honest in everything.

7. Legacy

What legacy are you leaving, especially for your family? Consciously or unconsciously, we leave a legacy, either negative or positive. 

The faithful man knows this very well and he sets good examples for his family. A man’s life of love and integrity is a rich legacy for his children. It’s an ore of great wealth that his children will forever mine. “. . . His children are blessed after him” (Pro.20:7b).



Mama Yaa said…
Very powerful message, God bless you bro
Unknown said…
Great piece counselor. Keep it up
Unknown said…
This is great
Well done

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