Growing up in the early 2000s, there was a fun show hosted by Kwami Sefa Kayi on Ghana Television (GTV) which I enjoyed so much, titled: It Takes 2.

It was a very entertaining and educative programme which sought to unravel and test the knowledge of partners, friends and comrades who thought they knew themselves really well – their likes and dislikes, interests and disinterests, goals and visions, passions, aspirations etc.

It was a programme that to me, explains the old adage “It takes two to tango”, and the fact that relationship building involves work of two.

In the song “Takes Two to Tango” by Louis Armstrong, one stanza of the song explains:

You can sail a ship by yourself,
Take a nap or a nip by yourself.
You can get into debt on your own.
There’s a lot of things that you can do alone

But . . .

Takes two to tango, . . . 

Everything about life is about relationships, and it takes two to build a loving relationship. Relationship is team work, and it takes two to build a team! It is so marvelous how most of the body parts were created as pairs, and how they relate to each other. So it is with relationships. Relationships do not operate in a vacuum; we will need people who will be closely associated with us – people with whom we wiggle and work, pray and play, share jokes and laugh with.

It takes two to tango! It takes two people to make a healthy and happy relationship. A relationship needs to have “give and take”. It’s like raising your hand up and saying, “Give me five”. The other person has to do same to make the “action” lovely; otherwise, you don’t have a “high five”.

You can only keep the interest and romance of the relationship, and keep the sparks going – and your partner alive and burning if you work together.

It has been observed that, it takes two “willing” people to commit infidelity, not just one. You may be right and feel not at fault, but your partner reacted on your action or inaction; they might be wrong but you are not entirely right! You helped – directly or indirectly.

Over the years, my work as a relationship consultant has taught me that there has never been a successful relationship that both partners didn’t contribute to; or a breakup where both parties have not contributed. Every relationship takes two people to make it exist. There is a breakdown when the two parties are not willing to participate anymore.

Ask yourself whether you are doing your part to keep the relationship going and flourishing. It takes two – both play a part in the building or breaking of the relationship; the making or the marring of it! 

It takes two, and you are one of the two!



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