Humility is having or showing a low estimate of oneself – one’s own importance. It is a very difficult challenge to be humble, because naturally we all have some level of pride in us. Most people see humility as being inferior, but it is a strong virtue!
Humility is Love in Position or Status
Love is humble; it does not think highly of itself than it should. It does not boast; it is not proud.
First, humility means being quiet about yourself. The humble person does not vaunt or parade herself; he is not a braggart. Love is not puffed up. It does not blow the horns when it does good to someone.
Second, it means not looking down on others. It considers others better than itself. The humble person is not arrogant. She does say sorry!
Third, it means letting others shine. It means giving them the chance to deliver and believing in them, thinking they can do better.

Pride Costs
Pride is a sin. It makes us exalt ourselves at the expense of God, thus displacing Him – It is a complete anti-God state of the mind.
A friend once told me a story of a frog who could not keep silence but boast of his idea.
‘Two friends, a frog and a bird, for many years lived happily together until famine struck their land such that they had nothing to eat. They heard of abundant food in a distant land and so they decided to go there for food but there was a problem; the frog could not fly.
Then the frog came up with a beautiful plan: Alright, Friend, you will hold a stick in your claws so that I can also hold unto the stick with my mouth, then we can all move together. “This is a very lovely idea”, said the bird, “We will try that.”
The next day, the two friends set off implementing their beautiful plan which worked very well for them until something happened. A young boy saw the two friends pass by in the air and he became so marveled that he could not hold his breadth so he shouted, “this is so wise of you, who thought of it?” The frog could not keep quiet and decided to boast of his idea.  It opened its mouth to speak, and your guess is as good as mine.

Humility Pays
Humility is God’s way to greatness. He resists the proud, but exalts the humble.
Christ lived a life of humility. He emptied himself of all reputation, laid aside his glory and his riches, and came to the earth to be born among the lowly in a manger; but it was the way towards exaltation.
Paul says: "Therefore God also has highly exalted him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Phil 2:9-11).
Christ advised his hearers, when they are invited to a great dinner, not to sit down in the best places, but to go and sit in the lowest seat; and then if it was proper for them to have the higher place, the host would honor them by public invitation to the better seat.
We, too, shall come to our highest through sacrificing ourselves in humility for the blessing of others. We are to find exaltation by humility. 

Love and Pride do not mix
Love and pride are parallel. They do not mix.
Love is not proud and haughty. It does not look down on others, but sees them as important, and even more important. Love values everyone, and so all who come into contact with a person full of love leaves feeling special, valuable and built up.
Pride must be served, but love serves. Pride lives and seeks for self, humility lives and seeks for others. 
Pride keeps people in a prison called “Self”, made up of only three persons; “Me, Myself and I.”


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