A story in Genesis 4 tells of two brothers who lived near each other and worked so hard at their respective jobs. Both of them worshipped God and occasionally sacrificed unto him. At harvest time, both brothers planned to make their sacrifices to God. Abel, the younger brother, who was a shepherd, brought several choice lamps from the best of his flock, while Cain, the elder brother, a farmer brought to the LORD a gift of his farm produce.
God accepted Abel and his offering, but he was not pleased with Cain and his sacrifice. Cain, when this happened did not praise his brother for his faithfulness and learn from him. Instead, he became very angry and dejected and envious at his brother’s favour in the sight of God to the extent that he lured Abel into the fields and while they were there, Cain attacked his brother and killed him. Envy and jealousy has led to killing.  
Jealousy or envy is feeling bitter, unhappy, discontent or resentful because of another`s success, good fortunes, qualities, possessions, advantages or achievements. Love does not envy or become jealous; it is always content and rejoices when others are blessed. 

Jealousy retards your own progress and development
It may be very difficult for a young woman who is unmarried and has been praying to God for a good husband to be happy for her friends who get married. She can instead be happy and thankful for them and believe that God can do for her what He has done for her friends.
We should learn to pray for and bless others and not be afraid and jealous that they will get ahead of us in life; it will only hinder our own development and blessings.
A story is told of an envious eagle that was resentful at a fellow eagle that could fly very well and so high. One day, the envious eagle saw a hunter who had hunted the whole day without a catch with a bow and arrow. The jealous eagle pleaded, “Can you shoot down that eagle up there?”
“I would, if you can give me some feathers for this arrow so it can fly very far and straight”, the hunter said.
The jealous eagle then pulled some feathers for the hunter, but his shot reached nowhere. This made the eagle to pull more feathers but still to no avail. As a result, the eagle lost so many feathers that he could no more fly. The hunter, realizing this took advantage and killed the now helpless-envious bird. “A relaxed attitude lengthens; jealousy rots it away” Prov.14:30.

Rejoice with the joyful
The Bible tells us to be happy with those who are happy and share the sorrows of those who are sad.
A loving heart always rejoices when others are favoured or blessed. It does not resent and it does not become bitter.
The parable of the workers in the vineyard by Jesus Christ reveals: “A landowner hired some men at different hours in a day to work in his vineyard. He promised to pay those hired in the morning a day’s wage. At the end of the day at 6:00pm he asked his foreman to pay the workers beginning with those hired late at 5:00pm. They each received a day’s wage. When those hired earlier saw this, they became excited thinking, if he has been so generous to those people, then he will be even more generous to us who he hired earlier. But when they came to get their pay, they, too, were paid a day’s wage. When they received their pay, they protested, ‘those people worked only one hour, and yet you’ve paid them just as much as you paid us who worked all day in the scorching heat!’"

Why can’t we be at least happy for the fortune of others; and be thankful and content for what we have. Those men couldn’t be thankful and appreciative for the fact that the man gave them work for the day. They had no love in their hearts. They couldn’t rejoice in the fortune of the short-term workers. Instead, they chose to compare their wages to those who were hired late; which usually leads to envy, bitterness and resentment, and makes us not to appreciate what we have 
We can be happy only if we will look out for the good things we have in life; the good things we can genuinely be thankful for and rejoice in them.
This is not an easy one-time thing. We have to pursue it, work at it, and practice it everyday. It is something that continuously has to be renewed in our lives like an insurance policy.

Be content 
God expects His people to be content and thankful for what they have and not be envious.
If we want to be happy in life, then we must thank God and praise Him for everything that happens to us, for gratitude produces happiness.
God has given each of us great gifts and great worth within us not only for our benefit, but for others. That is one reason why we are all different, all important and need each other. 
Envious people think they have to blow out the candle of another person to make their own burn brighter. But loving people – people who are content allow both candles to burn for a brighter light.
Anyone who wants to develop a love life would have to live beyond being jealous of one’s success, qualities, talents and achievements, and rather be thankful and happy, and content for what he or she has.


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