God had a concern for mutual human support and companionship. The first negative assessment by God of an otherwise excellent and perfect creation (Genesis 1:31) was aloneness as indicated in His statement “It is not good for the man to be alone… (Gen. 2:18).
Aristotle said, “Human beings are social creatures.” In his Meditation XVII, John Donne said “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” Opanin Kwadwo Kyere, a seasoned marriage counselor, in one of his speeches, “Living with People” said, “Everybody needs somebody, somewhere, somehow, sometime.”
As humans, a greater percentage of our happiness in life is going to come from our relationships with other people. How well you get along with people, and they with you, largely determines the quality of everything that happens to you. Someone said, “You can’t live any better than you can love and be loved.”
We need each other. As the baby cries to the mother to be fed, so the mother yearns for the baby to suck when her breasts are full and heavy.
In life, no one is self-sufficient; we are interdependent. The importance of people in our lives cannot be substituted for money and any other thing, no matter their status and pedigree. It is said, and I love it; “things are to use; people are to love!”
We depend on, cooperate and associate with each other for our survival emotionally, psychologically, and socially. The lack of such connections leads to many problems. In fact, people are starving socially, emotionally, because people are becoming less caring and concerned of others. The world is short of love – which most people hunger for and will accept anywhere it can be found.
I’ve been saying that “the cruelest punishment you can mete out to a person is to isolate him from other people; bring him closer to them and that will be the happiest thing you have done for him.”
Everybody, no matter how secure they may seem, needs somebody: to love, to cherish, to appreciate, to lean on, to show concern, for encouragement, and recognition.
Humans greatest fear in life is to be rejected; and as such everything we do, the homes we live in, the clothes we wear, and the food we eat are all part of our ways of yearning for acceptance.
Someone said, the tragedy of life is not that we die, but rather what dies inside us while we live. Many people die every day within because they are rejected and are not accepted. Someone needs you to listen to them, to smile at them to show they are loved and cherished, to put an arm around their shoulder to offer comfort, to hold their hands and tell them "I couldn’t have done it without you!” Yes! A human being is a human being because of other human beings.
Tell someone, “I need you!


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