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After my previous article where I made an exposition that the reality of love is the reason why a man shall leave his parents and cleave to his wife, I kept thinking of what actually then keeps them together after the marriage.

Couples exchange vows during the marriage ceremony – promises to take each other “in health and in sickness; for richer and for poorer; for better for worse . . .” and they are expected to remember their vows always. But as the realities set in and they pass through the stages of marriage life, – children come in, work becomes more demanding, and sexual desire and physical appearances diminish – many “forget” their vows, and the result normally is divorce. 

So if the vow exchanged by couples on their wedding day is not able to keep them together, then what will?

It then struck me that after the couple leave, they are to cleave; and to cleave means to stick, be glued to or to keep tight. So what will be the glue to keep the couples together forever? Then my thoughts went to a passage in the Bible which states “But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection” (Col.3:14 NKJV).

From the Love Chapter of the Bible, 1Corinthians 13, Love has many characteristics that offer binding strength for all relationships (marriage) and the family.

“Love is patient and kind both in word and deed, and not irritable. It endures the weaknesses of others. Whiles anger will let you be quick on the lips verbally hurting, abusing and devastating the marriage and family, patience knows that a few seconds of wait would prevent such damage. Love, like a peach, even with much pressure, the result is still sweet. It is not in a hurry to discard a relationship because of a disagreement, tough times or the flaws of a partner, but patiently works to preserve the love, being kind and tolerable, giving a partner more time than they deserve to make amends of their mistakes, knowing that love covers all offenses. The lack of patience severs relationships. Being patient and kind to your partner makes you reduce the emotional distance between you, keeping you more “bonded”

Love is not envious and jealous, but it is content. A man or woman who is content appreciates everything of the beloved and would work hard to complement each other to greater heights. 

Love is humble, and not proud; it is courteous, and not rude; Love is selfless, not selfish.  These characters make a partner value, esteem, and cherish the significant other and treat them as equally important. It allows you to give your partner the freedom to operate on their own without manipulation and control. There is respect in love. Love will not make a husband put his interests and desires in front of the wife; and will not make the wife complain about the time and energy she spends to meet the needs of her husband and family. 

Love doesn’t hold grudges. It is forgiving. A wife thus will not make records of the wrongs done against her by the husband or children. The husband would likewise not hold grudges or resent against the wife. Forgiveness melts away stony hearts and steel wills, and creates space for much love to resolve the hurts caused by resentment. 

Love does not rejoice in iniquity that divides, but rejoices in the truth which unites. 

Love endures all things, hopes all things and bears all things. Love makes you believe the best of your spouse and family, thinking positive of them, and giving them the benefit of the doubt. Love is always hopeful of the future. It endures even when things go wrong. Love is faithful and not fearful.  The more you love your partner, the less you fear him/her because perfect love casts out fear.

Love makes it possible to withstand all the wrongs of your beloved, behave well towards the unseemingly behaviour of your children, show kindness continuously to your ungrateful spouse, think about the best interest of your wife, forgive the wrongs of your husband, and not quit even if your love goes unnoticed, unappreciated and unreciprocated.
Truly, love is the perfect bond that holds couples together after marriage. It is the glue that keeps a marriage and a family intact throughout the seasons. There is no doubt that when love is cultivated in a marriage and family, it binds together all the hearts that are involved.
The glue is love!


Mama Yaa said…
Nice piece of paper
Unknown said…
Lovely one there bruv
Unknown said…
Very interesting article
Arblarrh said…
Tanks for a great piece
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Great advice
Rahul said…
Play Bazaar manigo ana chana jo joi kano pana honi cha satta king pona pona chadi ja honi pe guna pa huna chila puni ka chala ji hona ki jama up satta king hoye hoye ama ki jana po
Rahul said…
satta king up hango jama kio nama ho pani hio ka chali pana hio ji chana pa hio satta King hum cho pana jio kanoma li kopo hono ama ftko ka tila ka milo pila hani jani ko forahuijo liko to tuma hono.
Rahul said…
sattaking in maka mio ka jamio hana pio ka mani o raha hio na kio mana hana jo paio na ki tuma hio ma jani ko tak moko satta king buna chahi rani ko bina sata king ka pinalu gona hui cho po

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