You would not abandon your car and buy a new one just because your fuel is exhausted, you will definitely refill the fuel tank; and you would not dispose off your mobile phone just because the battery is flat, you will recharge it. These items, though not in any way equated to marriage, but if you would fix these challenges that come with them, then why would you move out of your marriage which is more valuable when challenges arise that can be resolved?

God never instituted marriage as a “shuttle” or “transit” where you “hop in and out” at your will. Jesus, answering the Pharisees question about divorce said, “What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder” (Mtt.19:6b). It is inferred from this that God is directly involved in the marriage as He joins the two together, and He makes the marriage for life. 

The Pharisees after, said unto Jesus that Moses allowed divorce, but He pointed out that Moses allowed divorce because of the “hardness of their hearts” (Mtt.19:8), emphasizing that divorce was never a part of God’s plan for marriage; it defies God’s Guiding Principle of Marriage. 

Human institutions like the courts have no power to disjoin what God has joined together; except otherwise the joining was by human decrees.

Whoever tries to put asunder marriage stains it with all “unclean, unwholesome, and filthy things associated with the “ass” – and thus puts “ass-under” marriage. 

Divorce is one of the most drastic changes that can occur in one’s life, probably second only to death. With the many accompanied consequences – the scars of divorce: the loss of love and affection, the guilt and fear, the emotional and mental trauma, the night after night tears, the withdrawal of “friends and family”, the loneliness and aloneness experience, the courtroom and family controversies – it can really have a ruining and devastating effect on the couple and the children, if any.  

Someone said, “There might be many [thousand] ways to put out fire, but running away is never one of them.” There are a lot of people who think that the problems that arise in their marriage will go away if they divorce and then get married to someone else. Divorce is never a solution to any marital problem; it’s a problem on its own.

Jesus said, “Whosoever shall put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall marry another commits adultery: and whoso marries her which is put away do commit adultery” Mtt.19:9.

It is important to understand that the ultimate plan of marriage is the representation of the love covenant between Christ and His church (Eph.5:31-32).
Therefore, as long as Christ is “married” to the church, a man cannot divorce his wife; and as long as the church continues to be the bride of Christ, the woman cannot cease to be the wife of her husband. If Christ ever abandons His church, then a man may divorce his wife; and if the church ceases to be the bride of Christ, then a wife may as well divorce her husband.

But Christ keeps his covenant with His bride, the church; and the church also remains the bride of Christ.

Truly, marriage is till death do you part (Rom.7:2-3). Close the divorce door. Cleave and do not leave. Do not put “ass-under” what God has joined together!


Eunice said…
Lovely ❤❤❤

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