Marriage is God-designed, God-instituted, God-made, God-ordained, God-enabled, and God-owned. He thus has the manual or plan guiding its operation. God’s guiding principle of marriage otherwise known as God’s plan for marriage is a statement repeated about four times in the Bible: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh” (Gen.2:24, Mtt.19:5, Mk.10:7-8 and Eph.5:31 KJV).

The principle has three elements; what I call “The Three-fold Mystery of Marriage”: Leaving, Cleaving and One flesh/Unifying.


There can be no marriage without leaving – your parents, friends, old habits and lifestyle, and anything that could interfere with your marriage. 

The word “Leaving” means to loosen. A public and legal act is performed for you to be under “wedlock”. Marriage is never a private affair! – It concerns more than just the two individuals getting married.

Physically it means you are ready to start your own family. Psychologically it means that you are able to think and make decisions on your own. Emotionally it means replacing your attachment with your parents and their home with that of your spouse. Financially it means being able to acquire personal possessions and utilize them without dependence on anyone. Socially it means that you are able to spend time and live with your spouse better than anyone else and spiritually it means being able to worship together with your spouse.

Just as the umbilical cord of the baby is cut to enable it grow and develop, so one has to leave parents for marriage to grow and develop. The couple will need their freedom devoid of any in-law “interference” and control.


Leaving and Cleaving are intertwined – you cannot really cleave unless you have left; and you cannot really leave unless you have decided to cleave.

Cleaving means to stick, be glued to or to keep tight. It describes the Personal aspect of the marriage. It is about adjustment, bondedness, intimacy, commitment, faithfulness and affection which enable the couple to have common goals and ambitions through mutual decisions. The husband and wife are glued to each other like two papers are glued to each other – separating them will mean to tear and hurt them both – in the situation where there are children, you hurt them as well.

To cleave means husband and wife are closest to each other than anyone else – parents, friends, visitors and guests, and even the children ; and closest to each other than anything else – work/profession, the house cleaning and cooking, the book, the phone and the television.

To cleave in its deep sense is only possible between two persons – the Bible is uncompromising about it: “Therefore shall a man (not men) . . . cleave to his wife” (not wives)!

One Flesh (Unifying)

Cleaving and One flesh cannot be separated – you cannot become one flesh unless you have cleft/cleaved; and you cannot really cleave unless you have decided to become one flesh.

One flesh describes the Physical aspect of marriage and it is as important as the Public/Legal and Personal aspects of the marriage. It is the innermost mystery of the three-fold mystery.
The sexual act in marriage reinforces your cleaving and it is as much within God’s plan for marriage as is the leaving and cleaving. It is as dear and near to God as the faithfulness and legality of the marriage. 

To become one flesh means more than just the physical union. It means the two persons share everything of theirs – their bodies, their material possessions, their goals, joys and sufferings, their hopes and fears, their successes and failures – and they are not ashamed of their nakedness, weaknesses, fears and challenges.

It means that the two become completely one – body, soul and spirit – and yet they remain two different and individual persons. It is not two halves coming together to make on whole, but two whole persons forming an entirely new whole.

The Harmony of “The Three-Fold Mystery” of Marriage

To Leave, To Cleave, and To Become One Flesh are inseparable from each other. If one part is missing, the marriage is not complete.

When two people think they love each other, and have sexual intercourse with each other – some even stay together (cohabitation), but are not yet legally married, then the Leaving element of the marriage is missing – they have not left. In such situations, there are broken hearts and destroyed lives – loss of virginity, a child out of wedlock, forced and hurried marriages especially when it is discovered that there is pregnancy. It is in these instances that you see “five months old babies” delivered. What of the children born out of it? – They are normally deprived of the shelteredness of marriage and the love of the father and mother.

In the scenario when the couple are legally married (they have left) and have been together for quite some time and have physical fellowship, but the love is gone, then they are not Cleaving. As a result, there is no happiness and the couple goes through emotional trauma becoming rude and cruel to each other and thus they experience emptiness in the relationship. This then affects the physical union. Soon, the man looks for a woman who “will respect and can understand him better” than the wife; the wife also finds a man who can “comfort and care for her better” than the husband.

There are also instances where the couple is married legally and loves each other dearly, but in spite of their love, their physical fellowship is unsatisfactory and unfulfilled – they find no pleasure in the act of sex. The men complain that the women don’t react in the normal way, but are too cold; the women also say the men force it on them, they are too fast, uninitiated and noncreative. When this happens, the temptation is to satisfy ones sexual desires outside of marriage – then the legal aspect of the marriage becomes endangered. The adultery may finally result in divorce.

The three elements of God’s principles of marriage are like a tent which should have at least three poles to stand to provide shelter – marriage is indeed a “tent” which provides shelter for the family.
“You can’t cleave without leaving; and you can’t become one flesh, especially through sex without cleaving.” Only those who have “left” to “cleave” exclusively to each other can become “one flesh”.


  1. I Married You by Walter Trobisch
  2. Your Guide to Marriage by Dr. John Boakye


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