In the eyes of many people these days, the institution of marriage has lost its relevance, and they question whether it is still a good idea and worth it. The value of marriage has been lost in the sight of many. Many of us do not regard the sacred nature of marriage.

It is not surprising because the concepts of honour, trust, faithfulness, commitment and love which are characterized by marriage seem old-fashioned and out of touch with the contemporary world.
For most of us, our partners are like panties and shoes – we change them as we wish. We shop for partners as we do for our clothes – we try it on and if it does not fit, we try something else; if it fits, we wear it for a while, and when it fades or goes out of style, we throw it away and get a new one.

But God established marriage as an Honourable relationship; an institution that should be highly honoured by all (Heb.13:4), respected and valued. He made it to be esteemed above all other institutions. Marriage was made precious in the sight of God and should be esteemed as such.

Marriage is a Spiritual relationship. Even though it is seen by many as a mere legal and social union, it is more of a spiritual union. The bible says “What God has joined together . . .” From the statement, it is deduced that God is directly involved in marriage as He joins the two together. The God-factor here makes the marriage a spiritual union. Remember God’s relationship with mankind has always been referred to as “Marriage.” 

God, from the onset, instituted marriage as a Covenant and Unitary relationship between a man and a woman who pledge themselves to each other for a permanent and lifetime union for the two to become one flesh.
The couple completely share and give themselves to each other in every area of their lives – body and soul. This is only possible in a monogamous marriage. Marriage is exclusively between one man and one woman (Gen.2:24). Polygamy is thus contrary and the idea of same sex marriage is also annulled.

Marriage is also an Intimate relationship. Something deep within the man yearns for intimacy with a woman, and the woman also has a similar desire for intimacy with a man. Marriage was designed to satisfy this search for intimacy in all spheres of life: emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual and social.

Marriage is also a Purposeful relationship. ‘And the LORD God said. . . “I will make him a helper comparable to him” (Gen.2:18 NKJV). Everyone is endowed with some potentials and abilities. The partnership of marriage provides an ideal environment for nurturing and maximizing these potentials and abilities. “Two are better than one . . .” (Eccl. 4:9-12). Couples are designed to complement each other. When the woman is weak, the man is strong; when the man stumbles, the woman is there with her tenderheartedness to help pick him up.

Marriage was established by God as the Foundational institution of human society, predating all other institutions – nations, governments, churches, schools, etc. Whiles the family is the basic building block of all societies, marriage is the foundation of the family. If marriage is protected, the family unit will remain intact, and society will be founded on a solid infrastructure; but if marriage is under attack, the family will fall apart, and society will crumble.

The attack on marriage – cohabitation, promiscuity and perversion (sexual), polygamy, “same-sex marriage” and divorce, and the disregard for it is arguably the result of the deteriorated society full of ills and vices we find ourselves in now. 

Marriage, though is constantly under attack, still remains a relevant and worthy institution in this contemporary society and will last as long as human life exists on earth.


  1.  The Purpose and Power of Love and Marriage by Myles Munroe 
  2. The Four Seasons of Marriage by Gary Chapman


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