though threatened, keeps pursuing; though challenged, keeps moving; though mistreated,
remains gentle.
a time and oft we show love, but our love goes unnoticed, unappreciated and
unreciprocated, and it leaves us thinking, “Should we continue to show love?” But
if it is really love, it doesn’t waver when it is not received the way we
wished it to be.
If love can be told to quit loving and it does, then it is not really love. Love forbears!
If love can be told to quit loving and it does, then it is not really love. Love forbears!
bears all things . . . 1Cor.13:7. It means tolerating, putting up graciously
and patiently with someone’s weakness when it encounters the area of your
strength. This is the nature of love which makes it possible to withstand all
the wrongs of others, behave well towards the unseemingly behaviour of others,
show kindness continuously to the ungrateful person, think about the best
interest of enemies, and forgive the wrongs of people and not count it
against them.
Someone rightly said, "Relationships
without forbearance usually don’t last long; if they do, happiness is never
word “bear” is the Greek word stego, translated cover, protect,
shield, guard or conceal. Love covers, as a roof covers a house, and
protects, as a roof protects, shields, and guards the
inhabitants of a house from exposure to the influences of bad weather – storms,
rain, cold, wind, and blistering hot temperatures.
than expose you and your flaws to the view of others, love will conceal,
cover, and protect you. Like paint, love covers a multitude of weaknesses!
wards off insults and injuries; love won’t mention the unlovely traits in its
significant others; love won’t remember the unkind deed; without retaliation,
love forbears malice and slander.
Love's forbearance with the flaws and weaknesses of others, however, is not a sanction to them through its supineness. It forbears through corrections and just punishments.
Love's forbearance with the flaws and weaknesses of others, however, is not a sanction to them through its supineness. It forbears through corrections and just punishments.