If you could get rid of all your fears – death, rejection, losing, and criticism, how different would your life be? If you could be free to attain all your dreams, goals and aspirations, how would the world mean to you? We are often deceived about the powerful and destructive force of fear because it does not produce violent outbursts like anger. But fear, which breeds into various negative thought patterns and emotions – anxiety, worry, pessimism, doubts, timidity, inferiority, depression, social shyness etc. is just as powerful and destructive if not to others, to the fearful person, like anger. Fear is the belief that you are powerless and that you can’t do anything. Someone rightly defined FEAR as “False Evidence/Expectation Appearing Real”. Causes of Fear Experts assert that one major factor of fear is one’s temperament traits. Almost all temperaments have tendency towards fear – Melancholics and Phlegmatics are more fear-prone. Parenting and upbringing is ...