Whilst there are many partners who are about to enter into marriage and vow to each other, “Until death do us part”, many couples are contemplating of dissolving their marriages. This connotes that so much needs to be done before you say “I DO!” Many failed marriages can be traced back to inadequate preparation – intellectually, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It is said that proper prior planning prevents poor performance. When you plan well, you perform well. Marriage is such a serious business, and you need not enter into it lightly. Build Your Capacity to be a Fulfilled Single Many people are engulfed in search of a life partner than taking time to build themselves. Their pots are not kilned but they are seriously in search of water to fill it. Where will you safely store the water if the pot is not kilned? Why don't you focus now on kilning your pot so that when you fill it with water, it does not leak? Build your capacity to be a fulfilled single – ph...