Source: istockphoto.com Indeed there can be no marriage without leaving, but one major challenge that many couples face is “leaving” their relationship with their parents, families, friends and their single adult lifestyle, to cleave to their new family. They are torn between the responsibilities of their “new home” and their “previous home”, thus creating a lot of tension. Leaving is Hard Leaving is a fundamental principle of marriage but it is very hard and actually a bitter pill to swallow by both parents and children. The thought of not “seeing” each other cause pain in the heart and sometimes tears are shed. Normally the mothers (of the men) are the culprits to the point that some even get depressed. They keep thinking and asking themselves: “Will she be able to wash his shirts well?” “Will she even know how much salt or pepper he likes in his soup or stew?” “Can she make him happy?” (You and I can relate with The Vodafone Advert of a moth...