Marriage is God-designed, God-instituted, God-made, God-ordained, God-enabled, and God-owned. He thus has the manual or plan guiding its operation. God’s guiding principle of marriage otherwise known as God’s plan for marriage is a statement repeated about four times in the Bible: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh” (Gen.2:24, Mtt.19:5, Mk.10:7-8 and Eph.5:31 KJV). The principle has three elements; what I call “The Three-fold Mystery of Marriage”: Leaving, Cleaving and One flesh/Unifying. Leaving There can be no marriage without leaving – your parents, friends, old habits and lifestyle, and anything that could interfere with your marriage. The word “Leaving” means to loosen . A public and legal act is performed for you to be under “wedlock”. Marriage is never a private affair! – It concerns more than just the two individuals getting married. Physically it means you ...