Whatever you do or give in dating is voluntary It amazes me as to why many women treat their boyfriends like they are their husbands, and the men treat their girlfriends like they are their wives. She does his laundry on regular basis and cooks all his meals. He provides housekeeping money, and apparently pays her school fees and buys her provisions. They justify it, “Well, I do want to be his wife.”, “I want to show her what a lovely husband I would be.” However, the problem with this is that their level of involvement in each other’s lives exceeds their level of commitment. Dating is not Marriage Dating, as I do say, is a “marriage market.” It is a tryout for marriage, offering you the chance to explore and learn before you make that serious decision of marriage. Someone said “ it’s like walking into the mall to buy a pair of shoes. As long as you haven’t paid for it, all you can do is to stare at it and admire its amazing f...