Look out for a good "marriage material" on your dates The desire to associate or mingle with the opposite sex is as natural as the sun rises in the morning. Young men and women growing up always have the desire to socialize with people of the opposite sex. As such, they engage in all kinds of social activities like sports, excursions, parties, picnics, birthday clebrations, shopping, seminars and even church activities. The meaning of “dating” to people in modern times is largely seen as an issue of semantics – the personal definition varies for everyone. The word “dating” comes from the idea of “setting a date” where two people (or more, if in a group date) agree to meet at a certain time and place for a purpose. A “date” thus is a prearranged time spent with someone (often of the opposite sex with an interest in them) – with the intention of assessing how suitable or compatible you are for a possible “committed or intimate relationship.” It is a “market” in wh...