
Showing posts from May, 2017


We all fall victims of going to one of two extremes: either beauty is magnified above its God given role as a gift to the creature or it is vilified as being unspiritual or worldly. Men, especially delight in beauty; it pleases them, and almost every man has beauty as part of the qualities he looks out for in a wife. However, listing beauty as a quality you look out for in a life partner is met with lengthy advice; the common statement being “charm is deceptive, and beauty is fading . . .” The Akans will tell you, “yennfa ahoofe nko aware” which literally means, we don’t base on beauty to marry. We are created beautiful  As much as we are cautioned not to place much emphasis on outer beauty, we cannot also neglect the fact that we are created beautiful by God, beautiful in all areas; our height, weight, stature, speech, shape etc. and this beauty is to be adored and appreciated. From the Bible, Adam no doubt saw Eve to be a very beautiful woman; Sarah’s beauty was...